VHC Starter Trials*
March 22 @ 8:00 am - March 23 @ 5:00 pm
Saturday Schooling and Sunday Competition
Saturday Schooling
$100 for all 3 phases
9:00 am – 4:00 pm
Sunday Competition
$170 for HT
$60 for CT
$35 for dressage test of choice (USDF and USEF tests)
Times will be available by Friday, March 21 on the VHC and EventEntries websites
Enter in advance through Event Entries to pay by credit card, or enter Day-Of with cash or check only.
Organizer: Molly Bullwith, 434-962-0306, Email Molly
Secretary Event Entries: evententriesoffice@amail.com or 601-428-4521.
Course Design: Tyson Rementer
SJ Course Design: Mark Combs.
To volunteer: email Gammon Castellvi or call 540-784-9661.